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    Vision, Traceability And Marking

Vision Systems

The integration of vision systems in a manufacturing line supports the tracking of a sequence and verification during assembly, assuring part presence, a correct position or orientation of a component, and can also perform 2D & 3D dimensioning and traceability tasks.

These systems combine the use of sensor technology, software and artificial intelligence where using the right tools it is possible to implement highly reliable inspection programs.

Traceability and Marking

The unique identification of each product and traceability are considered essential for the quality control of a product, allowing to store the results of critical processes along a manufacturing line.

In MEEIN we have experience in implementing different marking solutions such as: labeling, impact marking, micro percussion, ink and laser, con estas tecnologías es posible agregar un código de barras, código QR o 2D Matrix, así como alfanuméricos u otras leyendas según la especificación del cliente.

It is necessary to have reading systems such as scanners or cameras which allow us to read the product being processed, and through a PLC can store the information temporarily and then send it to a server.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Egestas nunc eget feugiat orci neque id sem integer a. Purus tortor augue vestibulum venenatis quam blandit quisque libero. Varius tortor tortor eget molestie a morbi. Habitant vitae tempus varius tellus nam varius faucibus pretium.


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